Sunday, February 26, 2012

Surviving Civil War II: Preparing for Economic, Political & Social Collapse - YouTube
It is clear that we are in the early stages of a Civil War brought on by the economic collapse of the entitlement state. "Surviving Civil War II " isn't a call to revolt, but a manual on how to survive the civil war you already sense is in progress. This book provides the reader with the historical, economic, political and social background necessary to cope with this modern civil war, which will look nothing like our first Civil War. The first great American Civil War was about ending slavery. Civil War II is about the same thing, except the slave owners in this case are the bureaucrat and entitlement classes who have yoked productive citizens and future generations to a grindstone of $100 trillion of unfunded social liabilities, environmental Gaia worship and bureaucratic strangulation. This time things are different.
Many will choose to ignore the warning signs...

 Surviving Civil War II: Preparing for Economic, Political & Social Collapse - YouTube

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