An Open Letter to Mitt Romney
By: Christopher G. Adamo
Dear Governor Romney,
the suspension of Senator Rick Santorum’s campaign, it now appears that
you have the 2012 Republican presidential nomination sewn up. And in
the current climate, that should assure you of a victory in November.
Yet the wrong strategy might still result in all of your recent primary
wins being rendered irrelevant by year’s end. A Republican campaign
based on a flawed perception of the real nature of the electorate (a
historical failing of the GOP Establishment) could secure a second term
for Barack Obama where none of his empty promises or leftist theatrics
would ever prevail.
You say that you do not intend to set your “hair on fire” to impress anybody. Well you should realize
that something in your campaign needs to catch fire. If the enthusiasm
of those desiring to rid the nation of liberal socialism were in any way
matched by a passion to see your particular campaign succeed, you would
win in a landslide. Grassroots America flexed its muscle in 2010, and
no amount of liberal activism, even when abetted by thoroughly jaundiced
“coverage” from the liberal media, can undercut the momentum of the
this phenomenon was disparaged by the very Republican “Establishment”
whose political fortunes most directly benefited from it with almost the
same degree of contempt as it received from liberal Democrats. You may
recall who it is that comprises the GOP “Establishment.” They are the
same people who brought us the candidacies of Bob Dole and John McCain,
and who convinced George H.W. Bush, on the heels of his 1988 victory, to
discard the tenets of Reagan and opt for a “kinder and gentler” brand
of governance in place of Reagan’s staunch conservatism.
you still cling to the notion that straddling the political middle is
somehow a more enlightened approach to politicking, consider the
significance of “Reagan Democrats” in the Gipper’s 1980 and 1984
landslide victories. These people were inspired to cross the political
aisle by something higher, and not merely cheaper, than that offered by
the Democrats. Try as you might, you will never find any evidence of
“McCain Democrats” or “Dole Democrats” who were similarly motivated by
fence-sitting Republicans.
significantly however, though the nation suffered gravely from those
misbegotten GOP efforts at “broadening the base,” the dismal results
they reaped were nonetheless reparable. This is no longer the case.
America is at a critical crossroads, and the people on Main Street fully
know it. If the onslaught of socialism and statism is not reversed
immediately, the destruction of the American ideal may be permanent.
this assessment sounds exceptionally harsh. Well it is. Barack Obama
and his minions have embarked on a course that portends disaster for
America, and an honest political appraisal of their goals, and the
damage they have already done, will affirm as much. Softening the
depiction, whether to avoid being perceived as confrontational or to
appeal to the political “center,” is to be less than forthright with the
American people.
criticism and severe assessments of horrendously flawed political
philosophies must not be reserved for the likes of Rick Santorum. If it
is proper for you to characterize other Republicans, with comparatively
conservative records, in that manner, should it not therefore be
permissible to warn America of the looming dangers of the far-leftist
ideology and seditious inclinations of Barack Obama with equal passion?
the nation currently facing crippling deficits and a total national
debt that has ballooned in recent years, the people of the Heartland
have no stomach for nuanced political diatribe that decries socialism
implemented by the federal government, but then struggles to defend its
viability at the state level. America can forgive the transgression of
Romneycare in Massachusetts, but only if we can be assured that the
cancer stops there. Attempts to avoid the full repeal of Obamacare will
rightly be construed as a complete betrayal of the American people every
bit as egregious as the unconstitutional and unconscionable destruction
of private health care in this country by the current Administration.
less can be said of the other liberal efforts to remake America, or the
malicious promises by such individuals as Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid, to oppose the conservative agenda of any Republican President. It
is not possible to maintain one’s principles and work in a conciliatory
manner with such people. Their intention is to dominate the political
landscape, and subsequently wield their accrued power to implement a
vile and dangerous agenda. It is no virtue to accommodate them in this
effort, either by collaboration or passivity.
you must abandon any notion of achieving “bipartisanship.” Democrats
only ever resort to this platitude when pressuring our side to “cave” on
important issues, or to get us to share the blame for the mess they
have made. We do not want a president who can “reach across the aisle”
or “find common ground” with a party whose leaders actively seek the
destruction of traditional America, and whose moral compass is so
perversely skewed that they consider such a goal “honorable.”
no time in recent history has the impending threat of out-of-control
liberalism posed so great a danger to the nation. Consequently, the need
for a truly principled and courageous conservative leader, unswayed by a
desire for acceptance from liberals in the “mainstream” media, is
paramount. America does not want you to “feel our pain.” We need you to
rescind those policies which are causing so much pain across the land.
This cannot be accomplished by a political course rooted in
you need to thoroughly understand that it is not up to Barack Obama to
make you look good. And though he has lately been doing a decent job of
presenting you as the superior alternative, it is assured that this will
change in the final days before November 6, when he will suddenly tack
to the middle. At that point, your only hope is to have remained so
unshakably principled, which means conservative, that he cannot
believably posture to your right.
America, and particularly your staunchest conservative critics, are
diligently looking for reasons to rally to you. But they will abandon
such an effort if that means forsaking conservatism or ignoring the real
dangers liberalism poses to this country.
for the sake of this nation, all of the ideals it embodies, and all of
the promise it has offered, seize the opportunity now presented to you
and use it, not in a futile quest to ingratiate yourself to the liberal
media and “bipartisan” D. C. political establishment (if you will excuse
the repetition), but to fight the good fight and bring America back
from the brink.
Christopher G. Adamo
Christopher G. Adamo
A Wyoming Conservative
G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming. He has been involved in
politics at the local and state level for many years. His contact
information and article archives can be found at
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